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about qhht lisa vela.png

Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique® is the modality created by Dolores Cannon to facilitate spiritual, emotional, and physical wellness. This technique was developed and refined over her 45-year career as a regressive hypnotherapist. Having worked with thousands of clients all over the world, Cannon has seventeen published books and has taught many practitioners how to achieve the same miracles time and time again.

Some might better understand the term "past-life regression" which is what this technique was intended for; the exploration of past lives. Today, with the expansion of human consciousness, there is more than just past lives to experience.

It is common for some to experience future lives, parallel lives, lives on other planets or other dimensions. Some people visit the spirit side; finding themselves in the Akashic Records or visiting the Temple of Healing. QHHT® focuses on the concept that the client will go to the most appropriate time and place to address any requests for healing or information they seek.

One might approach this method with questions about their purpose in life, to heal physical ailments or to better understand and experience our grand connectedness within ourselves. Others come to the technique for surrogate healing for those who are not available to attend a session of their own.

QHHT® is a fascinating exploration of consciousness and ultimately, a way of finding out that answers and healing lies within you. Immense power and limitless love is experienced when in contact with one’s higher self or superconscious mind. Essentially, in a healing hypnosis session, we are partnering together to awaken and strengthen your ability to do this on your own in a customized way. 

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QHHT® works by having you tap into the part of the brain that is only accessed twice a day; the moment right before you wake up and the moment right before you fall asleep. This is the Theta brainwave. The more relaxed and open, the deeper in trance the participant will experience.

The first part of the technique is generally a past life regression. Participants are guided through visualization techniques in order to uncover their past lives. There is much to learn from in the lifetimes presented by your own superconscious mind.

Your Higher Self has the ability to identify any physical or emotional problems it detects and explain the causes, be they from your current or past lives. During your session, the Higher Self is asked if it is appropriate for healing to occur. If appropriate, healing is done instantaneously with no other processes needed.  Very often, simply understanding why discomfort is being experienced is sufficient for it to be relieved and removed.

During the QHHT® session you will be shown an appropriate experience by your Higher Self, who knows everything there is to know about you, from the life you are living now, and all other lives.  Your Higher Self will share only information that is appropriate at this time and is of benefit to you.  It is caring and protective in the QHHT® session.  A feeling of power and immense love is experienced when in contact with your Higher Self. 

A QHHT® session is an experience that is held privately and always conducted in person. Sessions are scheduled by appointment in the early day and last 4 to 6 hours. You will be in hypnotic state for approximately 2 hours. This part will be audio recorded.

QHHT® practitioners conduct one session per day. This ensures a thorough session to fulfill all objectives and a genuine experience.

QHHT® sessions are $400.00 and BQH® sessions are $350.00. A $50 deposit is required to reserve your day on the calendar. 

If you are interested in scheduling a session click here to book or email

You will receive an e-mail upon purchase with details on what to expect and answer any other inquires.

how to prepare qhht lisa vela.png

 In the days before your session, it is important to write down all questions you have of your Higher Self. There will be time at the beginning of the session to ensure that we have a full understanding of the intent of your questions. Our goal is to have all of your life purpose, emotional happiness, and physical health questions answered in a single session.

You will be preparing for an incredible journey that will be life-changing in many ways. Each regression is unique, and there are some practical steps that you can take to ensure a maximum experience. Preparing for it is an exciting time! 


Get into a nice comfortable place at a time of day where you can relax and let your mind open into a place of fun and curiosity. Brainstorm the best possible questions to ask your Superconscious mind for maximum impact to chart an amazing new course for your life moving forward. There will be no limits to where you can go and what you can ask. Segments of curiosity are generalized in groups such as, Life Path, Health & Body, Relationships (the important cast of characters in your life), Dreams, Mysteries, and Visions.

Please bring your hand written or printed questions to your session. They will be asked during the hypnosis segment. If written make sure to write legibly with space in between your questions.


The night before your session you will want to avoid alcohol and consumption of mind altering substances completely. In fact, it is best to abstain for a few days before. You’ll want to be raising your awareness not dampening it through depressants.

On the day of your session, limit your coffee intake to first thing in the morning. Too much caffeine may lessen your ability to deeply relax into the theta brainwave state during your Hypnosis session.

Eat as healthy as you possibly can the night before and the day of your session. Avoid meats and processed foods as much as possible. Your session will last several hours, so don’t skip breakfast or lunch. Make sure to eat good sized portions of healthy food when beginning your day.

Drink lots of water the night before and the morning, but start to only sip water an hour before your session. The goal is to minimize the need for any bathroom breaks while you are in Theta trance, so hydrate well in the evening and the early morning of the session.

 Preparing yourself and your questions for your QHHT® or BQH® sessions are the same. The only difference is that BQH® are remote sessions via Video Call which will technically require:

  • Quiet space where you can be alone and will not be interrupted for 4-6 hours.

  • Corded headset with microphone, it is best if it is over your mouth instead of earbuds.

  • Laptop, Notepad or iPad; Please note that Smart phones and wireless headphones / earbuds are not suitable.

after your qhht session lisa vela.png

 Immediately after exiting the hypnotic state, you will awaken refreshed and energized.  You may not remember much of what was said.  You will be given a recording of your session.  Please listen to the whole recording privately.  After listening fully, feel free to share with whomever you choose. 

For BQH® remote sessions, your digital recording will be emailed to you within 48 hours.

 Please keep your recording safe and listen to it frequently.